Crane Dance Class

This class includes several, more intricate "crane" moves that are not taught in Gentle Tai Chi - Qigong.

Crane Dance is a gentle form of tai chi that is both mindful and meditative. Stationary crane, qigong, and tai chi moves are taught and combined in a continuous fluid sequence that tells the story of Young Crane finding his “Great Purpose”.

If possible, it is recommended that students take at least 1 month of Gentle Tai Chi - Qigong prior to starting the Gentle Tai Chi Sequences class.

Class starts with 15 minutes of warm-up activities from the 4000-year-old Chinese practice of Qigong (Chee-gong):
- Stretches
- Breathwork
- Movements to stimulate/improve:
Circulation Joint flexibility Posture Relaxation

The remainder of the class is spent learning and practicing the Crane Dance moves and sequence.
Working on a sequence provides the additional health benefits that come from:
Correct Arm and Body Position

Extended Stamina

Fluidity of Motion

Waves of the Universe

Transitions Between Moves